John Stofel REPUBLICAN Your Candidate for House District 50 INDIANA STATE REPRESENTATIVE BRING YOUR STATEHOUSE Back Home How John willwork to improve northeast Indiana . Save for and invest in the future Let local communities make local decisions Encourage local input on state legislation Vote bu, Strengthen our agricultural economy Improve our infrastructure ... JUNE 2 STOFFELFORSTATEREP.COM f /STOFFELFORSTATEREP | (260) 519-1787 Authorized and paid for by the Friends of John Stoffel John Stofel REPUBLICAN Your Candidate for House District 50 INDIANA STATE REPRESENTATIVE BRING YOUR STATEHOUSE Back Home How John willwork to improve northeast Indiana . Save for and invest in the future Let local communities make local decisions Encourage local input on state legislation Vote bu, Strengthen our agricultural economy Improve our infrastructure ... JUNE 2 STOFFELFORSTATEREP.COM f /STOFFELFORSTATEREP | (260) 519-1787 Authorized and paid for by the Friends of John Stoffel