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  • Published Date

    August 31, 2018
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FARM IMPLEMENT CATTLE EQUIPMENT TRACTORS HAY EQUIPMENT- TILLAGE TOOLS SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 15TH . 9AM 1 0345 NORTH 100 WEST, OSSIAN, IN 46777 NCTO TILLAGE AND FARM EQUIPMENT. John Deere 7000 Corn/Bean Planter, 6-row. Howard Rotavator, 1000 PTO, 7 ft.. Land Pride Land Leveler, like new 8 ft..Gehl CB600 Corn Chopper, 2-Row.Chisel Plow, 9 ft. Gehl Manure Spreader Heavy Duty Earth Mover Belly Pan Tufline 3-Shank Sub-soil Ripper.Single Shank Sub-soil Ripper.Grater Blades Massey Ferguson 880 4-bottom Moldboard Plow. Brillion 4"Culipackers. Oliver Cultivators. Kwane 510 Hydraulic Disk HAY EQUIPMENT.2001 New Holland 1465 Haybine, 9 ft cut Running Gear w/Floatation tires, 10 ton. 2014 Kuhn GA3200 GT Rotary Hay Rake, 9 ft..2014 Kuhns 1534 Hay Accumulator, new, never used. Kuhns 615 15-Bale Hay Grapple 2004 John Deer 457 Mega Wide Round Baler (net or twine), Floatation tires. New Holland model 315 Hay Baler Hay Wagon w/floatation tires, hoist Flatbed Wagon w/sides &hoist.SUZUKI KING QUAD 4 WHEELER 2008 King Quad 450AC 4-Wheeler, 133 Hours TRAILERS AND GRAIN WAGONS.2007 Goose Neck PJ Trailer. 20'Tri-Axle Implement Flat Bed Trailer 2003 Wells Fargo Goose Neck Enclosed Trailer Heavy Duty Implement Trailer Cobey Grain Wagon w/floatation tires Wood Grain Wagon, rough SKID LOADERS.2012 Volvo MC70C Skid Loader w/Bucket, 328 Hours, Turbo Charged. Attachments to Volvo MC70C being sold separately: Fork Lift Fingers, Bale Spear, Trailer Mover. 1990 New Holland L553 Skid Steer, diesel, 2490 Hours TRACTORS 1958 Rare Farmall 450 Tractor Diesel w/gas start 1974 Oliver 1955 Over-Under Hydraulic Year Round Cab, Good Tires Duals.John Deere 420 Crawler, gas, undercarriage redone 1966 Farmall 706, WF, gas, 5400 hours 8 ft Loader Bucket SHOP EQUIPMENT-TOOLS-SCRAP METAL-HORSE AND LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT-ROUND BALES OF STRAW-EARLY HORSE DRAWN WAGONS AND CARTS-MUCH MORE-TOO NUMEROUS TO LIST! SEE FULL LISTING&PHOTOS ONLINE! 5 ONLINE BIDDINGAVAILABLE AT: www.nextlot.com PREVIEW: STEFF E N s.ies ara er Bsendonseren Seller: August Kirchner Fri., Sept. 14th am to 5pm GROUP AU19600168, AC3050005 260.426.0633 |www.STEFFENGRP.com