"Stoppenhagen Estate Auction" Tuesday, September 18, 2018 at 6:00 PM Farms are located North of Ossian Indiana on SR 1,1 mile to CR 1100 North, then East on 1100 N, 4 miles, All Farms are in Sections 5-67-8, Jefferson Township, Wells County Indiana. Farms are on CR 1100 N and 700 E Tract 1- 77.8+-Acres, Section 8 Tract 2- 16.6+-Acres, Section 7 Tract 3- 47.3-Acres, Section 6 Tract 4- 49.0+ Acres, Section 5 Farms will be sold by the surveyed Acre Auction will be conducted at "Lighted Gardens Banquet Hall, North Edge of Ossian Indiana. Marvin Stoppenhagen Estate Tour&Coub Dcn www.own-countryauctioscom 200 7248899