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  • Published Date

    June 13, 2018
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Camp held at Razz M' Jazz Dance Studio. bl ed. Includes dance instruction, games t-shirt, & daily snack 1580 Morningstar Blvd. Decatur, IN 260-724-3116 DANCE CAMP 4 Includes everything above for 2 campers from same family: siblings/cousins July 9-12, 2018 9:30am - 12 Noon $5 Ages 3 to 18 Register during norm al business hours or by calling 260-724 3116 or Send Registration Information to: Razz M'Jazz Dance Studio Includes everything above for 3+camper from same i family: siblings/cousins 1580 Morningstar Blvd., Decatur, IN 46733 Age: Grade: Name: Parents: Address: Telephone: Emergency Name/Phone: Shirt Size Youth - XS sM MED LG Xl Make checks payable. (circle one) Adult- SM MED LG XiL to Razz M' Jazz.