GRIEFSHARE Wednesday Afternoon Classes begin WED., SEPT. 29 & Continues every Wed. thru DEC. 29 2-4pm Chapel (upper west door nearest road) Free Event Thursday Evening Classes begin THURS., SEPT. 30 & Continues every Thurs. thru DEC. 30 7-9pm Office (east door nearest road) John & Sue Dowling Free Event Co-Leaders All welcome who have hope suffered the loss of a loved one. For more information call 260-824-1844 MISSIONARY CHURCH 429 E Dustman Rd Bluffton GRIEFSHARE Wednesday Afternoon Classes begin WED., SEPT. 29 & Continues every Wed. thru DEC. 29 2-4pm Chapel (upper west door nearest road) Free Event Thursday Evening Classes begin THURS., SEPT. 30 & Continues every Thurs. thru DEC. 30 7-9pm Office (east door nearest road) John & Sue Dowling Free Event Co-Leaders All welcome who have hope suffered the loss of a loved one. For more information call 260-824-1844 MISSIONARY CHURCH 429 E Dustman Rd Bluffton